Stanley Kubrick Biography Blocked in 1969 Finally Hits Shelves

Stanley Kubrick Biography

After a little over 5 decades, Neil Hornick’s once-blocked biography of cinema legend Stanley Kubrick has finally been released. Titled “The Magic Eye: The Cinema of Stanley Kubrick,” the book explores the life and work of one of cinema’s most iconic and controversial figures.

Kubrick, known for his perfectionism and often described as being someone rather unpleasant to work with, famously put a halt to the biography in 1969. Despite initially collaborating with Hornick, Kubrick’s obsessive nature led him to demand changes. According to the director, the book had a tone that was way too critical of his career for his taste. The publisher, who dedided to give Kubrick final approval, complied, and the project was shelved.

Fast forward to 2024, with Kubrick’s legacy firmly established and his films adored by audiences and critics alike, Hornick’s book has finally been released.

In 1969, Stanley Kubrick suppressed a book about his films because it dared to touch on their flaws. Kubrick, fresh from the Oscar-winning success of 2001: A Space Odyssey, promised to fight “tooth and nail” to prevent The Magic Eye: The Cinema of Stanley Kubrick going into print. More than five decades later, and a quarter-century after Kubrick’s death, Neil Hornick’s book is finally published.

For those interested, “The Magic Eye: The Cinema of Stanley Kubrick,” the Stanley Kubrick Biography, is available for purchase on Amazon right here.

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[Via BB | Picture: Stanley Kubrick, Dr. Strangelove (public domain)]

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