Unraveling the Truth: Does Recycling Your Plastic Actually Work?

We’ve all been there, holding a disposable plastic bottle or cup, gazing at that little recycling symbol at the bottom, and thinking we’re doing our part for the environment. But is recycling your plastic as effective as it seems?

Did you know that, in reality, only a mere 9% of plastics are recycled each year? That’s right, a staggeringly low number that leaves us pondering the effectiveness of our recycling efforts. Plastics come in a variety of forms, and not all are created equal when it comes to recycling. Many plastics are simply incapable of being recycled at the majority of recycling centers, leaving us with more questions than answers. Why do so few plastics get recycled, and what do those ubiquitous symbols on the bottom of your bottles and cups actually signify?

In their latest video, the folks from Ted-Ed dive deep into the complexities of plastic recycling, challenging our assumptions and unveiling the disturbing truth.

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