Time Traveling Through Words: Unearthing the Ancient Roots of Modern English

English, a language known for its rich tapestry of influences, has borrowed extensively from various sources over the centuries. While the French contribution to the language is evident, especially in British English, we mustn’t overlook the impact of Old Norse and other languages on our lexicon. However, one of the most fascinating sources of our modern vocabulary can be traced back to the Greco-Roman world, where ancient civilizations have left an indelible mark on our language.

Here is a collection of words and phrases (and the stories behind them) that come from the ancient world!

So, the next time you use words like “philosophy” (philos for love and sophia for wisdom) or “etymology” (etymon for true sense and logos for study), remember that you’re not just speaking English; you’re channeling the ancient wisdom of civilizations that laid the groundwork for our modern language.

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