The First Avengers Movie was Made 50 Years Ago… In Turkey?!?

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, before Marvel became the master of superhero movies and even before the days of the mighty Hulk smashing through TV screens, there existed a Turkish cinematic gem called 3 Dev Adam, aka Three Giant Men. Now, brace yourself for a tale of unauthorized heroism!

Picture this: it’s 1973, and a bunch of Turkish filmmakers decide to create a movie featuring none other than Captain America, Spider-Man, and Santo the masked mexican wrestler. But here’s the twist—they didn’t bother to ask Marvel for permission. Nope, they just went ahead and did it, making the wildest superhero mashup Turkey had ever seen!

Here is the True Story of the Turkish “Avengers” as told by the folks from Neon Harbor.

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