EVE Online Meets Excel

Move over, MCU, there’s a new most ambitious crossover event in history: EVE Online is getting integrated with Microsoft Excel.

The game already had a “user interface only” mode that removed all graphics that weren’t vital to gameplay. It was billed as a way to allow more players in a battle area without making life impossible for those with the most graphics power, though it didn’t do much to counter digs that the game is just “spreadsheets in space.”

Now developers CCP Games are leaning in to that with the Excel mode. Sadly it won’t involve playing the game in the spreadsheet. Instead there’ll be an option for “seamlessly” exporting game data into a spreadsheet so players can carry out more detailed analysis. Supposedly this will “help players access and calculate everything from profit margins to battle strategy.”

The feature was announced at the 2022 EVE Fanfest in Reykjavik. Although CCP announced a host of graphics, audio and user interface improvements, the Excel announcement reportedly received the biggest applause from the audience.