BLANC: The Only Protective Face Mask That Will Make You Look Like a Member of Daft Punk

There are a lot of very strange products on crowdfunding websites, and when I saw the new BLANC face masks, I laughed out loud and told myself, hey, why not. Blanc is a full-face modular mask that protects your eyes, nose and mouth from the outside world. Everything you breathe from inside it is first filtered through 2 high-efficiency reusable and replaceable HEPA filters, ensuring clean, fresh air with every breath.

It will also make you look like a member of Daft Punk, Marvin the Paranoid Android from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, or EVE from Wall-E. I’ll let you decide which one you want to be.

After stumbling on the product, I thought It would not be the type of thing that would meet its crowfunding goal, but so far, BLANC has raised over $400,000 on Indigogo and an EXTRA $403,709 on Kickstarter, for a total of over $800,000.

If you want one, the product page is here: BLANC Face Masks

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