Pay WHAT YOU WANT for 7 Awesome RPGs With the Humble RPG Bundle (And Support a Charity at The Same Time!)

The folks over at Humble Bundle have just released and exciting new bundle featuring 7 awesome RPG games, including Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced, Cat Quest, Hiveswap: Act 1, and more! If you want all the games featured in the bundle, you’ll have to pay $15, but for just $1, you’ll also get a few! A total value of $145 for the whole bundle at a fraction of the price!

The Humble RPG Bundle just launched on Tuesday, September 3 and will be live through September 24. Take on a new form and set off for adventure with this bundle full of role-playing games! Play as a puzzle-solving teen snatched out of her time in HIVESWAP: Act 1, search for your catnapped sister in the pawsome world of Cat Quest, and take on the role as a trigger-happy mercenary on Pandora in Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced.

And as usual with Humble Bundles, you’ll choose where your money goes between the developers, and, if you’d like, a charity of your choice!

[The RPG Humble Bundle]

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