Geek-It 2019: A New Pop Culture Convention in Montreal [Picture Gallery]


Geek-It 2019: A new type of convention!

Your two favorite geeks covered this first-time convention based on new technologies and E-Sports while chasing our six kids around (and yet we still manage date nights many times a week once everyone is sleeping ;) )

Thanks to a great event, our geeklings not only behaved but they also had an amazing time testing new video games, playing Overwatch against the Sailor Scouts, trying out new board games, playing Nerf combat games and spotting their favorite cosplay!

Geek-It is a must-go event, located in Montreal’s Old Port; WHAT A VIEW! (and boy was the light great for pics!) Many new emerging artists were present, ranging from jewelry makers, illustrators, cosplay, costume makers and musicians!

Here are our favorite pics of the day!

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