Geeks are Sexy’s Best Cosplay Photos: From 2011 to 2018 [Gallery]

Cosplay Photos

Since I’ve started this blog, one of the things that you guys liked the most is our coverage of popular culture conventions. The first event we’ve covered is Montreal Comiccon back in 2011, and since then, we never stopped bringing you new cosplay photos from all around the world!

Unfortunately, while cosplay is much more mainstream nowadays, online interest in costuming has gone down recently. After all, when you see one Stormtrooper, you’ve seen them all. But thanks to new movies coming out all the time, cosplayers adapt and come up with new original costumes regularly.

Cosplay Photography

Pop culture conventions are the perfect spot to meet people that are just like you! I met my wonderful girlfriend at one of those along with plenty of new friends. I love this crazy fun world and I don’t plan on stopping attending cons anytime soon.

Without further ado, here are some of the best original cosplay photos we took in the 8 years we’ve been at this! Thanks to everyone who allowed us to take their photo throughout the years! Oh, and it’s also important to note that while about half of those were taken by me, the rest was taken by my friend Patrick Michel Dagenais, Nick from Sneaky Zebra, Michael Tapp, Stรฉphane Vaillancourt, and Hayley Sargent. Without these guys I would not be able to bring you pics from outside Canada! Enjoy!

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