It EXISTS: An Iron Man Helmet Coffee Maker

Yes, The Iron Man coffee maker is actually a thing, and Robert Downey Jr. has one.

The coffee maker can brew 6, 8 or 10 ounce at a time and has a 40 ounce water tank, and thanks to a ground coffee adapter, you can brew your coffee blend of choice. It also accepts regular Keurig pods in case you’re in a hurry.

“Start the day with a heroic cup of coffee. The Iron Man single serve coffee maker provides the flexibility to brew either coffee capsules or ground coffee. Lift the Iron Man mask to access the brew chamber. Insert either a capsule or scoop of a favorite ground coffee and start the brewing cycle with the touch of a button. Choose from a 6, 8 or 10 ounce cup size. The 40 ounce removable water tank offers the added flexibility to fill it from the faucet. Fit a taller mug by simply removing the drip tray. The ground coffee adapter can be used for brewing a favorite blend of coffee and the permanent mesh filter in the adapter makes it easy to rinse off.”

[Iron Man Helmet Coffee Maker]

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