Geektastic Star Trek TOS and TNG Swimsuits for Men… and Women!

For the past few years, Thinkgeek has been releasing Star Trek themed swimsuits for ladies, but us men have always been left out… that is, until now!

Today, Thinkgeek has introduced a line of Star trek TOS and TNG swimsuits for men, available in gold, red, or blue, in sizes small to 3XL!

You’re sure to make a splash at the next geeky event in these Star Trek Swim Trunks. Risa may not be on your list of ports of call, but that’s no reason to hold back your fandom. Although we have to admit that since these are uniform-based, they’re pretty subtle to be so geeky. And we tested: even washing the car or mowing the yard is more fun when you’re in a Star Trek uniform.

The Star Trek TNG line of swimsuits:

The Star Trek TOS line of swimsuits:

And naturally, there’s a line for geeky ladies too:

Check ’em all out right here!

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