Drone Racer Speeds Through Obstacle Course in First Person POV [Video]

Check out (in FPV) as Youtuber NURK FPV flies his drone through a ver complex obstacle course. This guy really knows how to maneuver these things!

[NURK FPV | Via Geekologie]

This is the onboard footage from Youtuber NURK FPV’s freestyle drone as it races through an extremely complicated obstacle course (which appears to be at least partially constructed of thrift store clothing donations). It’s pretty intense. It’s also pretty much the perfect video to watch if you’ve just been sitting at your computer thinking, “I wish I could get dizzy and puke right now.” BOOM — you get the rest of the day off. Granted I usually just look at all pictures people have tagged me in on Facebook to make myself sick, but this works too.

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