DEADPOOL MUSICAL: A Beauty and the Beast “Gaston” Parody [Video]

Who knew the “Merc with a Mouth” could sing?

Warning: Language! Also, be sure to stay past the credits for a little something “X-tra!”

Our hapless hero, Deadpool, enters a bar looking for a little trouble (what else?) – and then the musical mayhem begins. From the beautiful baroque intro of the bartender (Mack Dugger), Deadpool fights off a bevy of mercenaries all hoping to kill our hero and win the dead pool. Luckily, Black Widow (Monette Moio), Rogue (Jennifer Wenger), and Psylocke (Christina Benthall) happen to be in the bar, but less than willing to help our mutated mouthy hero. Thank goodness Spider-Man (Christopher Troy) literally drops in to lend a hand before the final battle involving everyone in the bar.

[Deadpool Said]

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