KFC’s Extra Crispy Sunscreen Smells Like Fried Chicken

It’s true, and KFC were giving it away for free, but unfortunately, they’re now out of stock.

The sun gives us life. But if we’re not careful it also gives us painful sunburns. That’s why we made KFC’s Extra Crispy Sunscreen! Its SPF helps protect your skin while the real fried chicken scent leaves you smelling delicious!

Available for a limited time only. Side effects may include the Extra Crispy lifestyle and smelling like fried chicken. KFC Extra Crispy Sunscreen is an actual product. KFC Extra Crispy Sunscreen is not a food product. NOT a food product. Do not eat this product. Even though this product smells delicious, it is not delicious. The only skin that should be extra crispy this summer is on your fried chicken.



[KFC’s Extra Crispy Sunscreen]

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