R.I.P. Kenny Baker, The Actor who played R2-D2


Kenny Baker, the actor who played R2-D2, died earlier today at the age of 81 after battling a long illness. Baker first became famous in 1977 for his role as R2-D2. The man was only four feet tall, making him the perfect size to fit inside the robot’s hollow shell. He also played roles in other well-known 80s films such as Time Bandits and Flash Gordon.

More recently, Baker was hired as a consultant for The Force Awakens, but unfortunately, he never attended the premiere of the film in L.A. because of his health.

His niece, Abigail Shield, told The Guardian:

“It was expected, but it’s sad nonetheless. He had a very long and fulfilled life. He brought lots of happiness to people and we’ll be celebrating the fact that he was well loved throughout the world. We’re all very proud of what he achieved in his lifetime.”

[Via IO9]

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