Microsoft Marries Minecraft With Oculus Rift


Microsoft has announced Oculus Rift support for Minecraft. It’s for the Windows 10 version of the game, though whether suspension of disbelief will be possible remains to be seen.

The announcement appears to be timed as a last-minute push for the free upgrade offer for Windows 10 that Microsoft says will end today (July 29.) The Oculus Rift support for the game will launch “in the next few weeks” and is for the Minecraft Beta software, which is currently free of charge.

The Oculus Rift support follows Microsoft adding support for Samsung’s Gear VR system to the Minecraft Pocket Edition for mobile devices. It’s also working on an augmented reality Minecraft for its Hololens system.

There’s definitely some appeal in the idea of being able to create and then explore Minecraft worlds with the immersive Oculus Rift headsets. However, the idea of “riding” a rollercoaster as shown in Microsoft’s demo video (below) seems to throw up the risk of an odd experience contrasting the “reality” of the 3D effects and motion sensitive perspective changes with the clearly artificial nature of the blocky graphics.

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