Cosplay for a Cause: When Cosplayers Unite for Charity


I have something to confess: I’m not very proud of myself.

Last month, International cosplayer Riki ‘Riddle’ Lecotey wrote to me about “Cosplay for a Cause” a project that has the goal of raising funds for various charities, including the the American Red Cross, USO, the Japanese Red Cross, and more. Cosplay for a Cause has raised over $40,000 in the past two years and is looking to raise even more funds with their upcoming 17-month (2017/2018) calendar.

The reason that I feel bad is that I told her I was going to write about it and totally forgot… until I saw her at Ottawa Comic Con on May 14th. I’m sorry, Riki! :)


Cosplay For A Cause is returning with a new 17-month calendar for 2017/2018, with 100% of the profits benefiting the Wildlife Conservation Society. To support the theme, each of 18 participating cosplayers (such as Jessica Nigri and Meg Turney) set up a shoot with a live animal, in photos that are totally exclusive and will not be released online. Additionally, each month includes an original piece of art by well-known artists such as Steve Gordon and Alvin Lee. We have a diverse group of men and Woman cosplayers who have donated their time to be a part of this wonderful project.

You get awesome cosplay photos, animals get help. It’s a win-win situation!

[Pre-Order the “Cosplay for a Cause” Calender Here]

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