Starship Enterprise Wall-Mounted Shelf


A fantastic wall-mounted Starship Enterprise shelf by Instructables user caitlinsdad. For those interested in building one for yourself, the shelf was build from cardboard, wood popsicle sticks, and some MDF.

On the Enterprise – D there is a wall of model ships which are all named Enterprise. As a display of lineage and scale, I always thought that the design element would be cool to accent any room or office. Kinda like having a display of all the manned rockets from Mercury to Saturn V when I was a kid.

Those wall models were all scaled down to fit the wall space and looked like a simple form for molding with no real detail. They were also painted gold and hence are referred to as the “golden starships”.

The models looked like they morphed out of the wall so that was inspiration to make it a functional shelf.


[Star Trek Enterprise Composite Shelf by caitlinsdad | Via Neatorama]

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