50 Shades of Grey: The Über Geek Edition

Considering that tomorrow is Valentine’s day and that 50 Shades of Grey was just released on the big screen (and apparently sucks big time,) here is the “Geeks are Sexy” version of the movie, one that should amuse you rather than… arouse you.

  1. rgb(39,39,39) => #272727
  2. rgb(40,40,40) => #282828
  3. rgb(41,41,41) => #292929
  4. rgb(43,43,43) => #2b2b2b
  5. rgb(44,44,44) => #2c2c2c
  6. rgb(46,46,46) => #2e2e2e
  7. rgb(49,49,49) => #313131
  8. rgb(50,50,50) => #323232
  9. rgb(52,52,52) => #343434
  10. rgb(53,53,53) => #353535
  11. rgb(55,55,55) => #373737
  12. rgb(57,57,57) => #393939
  13. rgb(58,58,58) => #3a3a3a
  14. rgb(60,60,60) => #3c3c3c
  15. rgb(63,63,63) => #3f3f3f
  16. rgb(64,64,64) => #404040
  17. rgb(66,66,66) => #424242
  18. rgb(68,68,68) => #444444
  19. rgb(69,69,69) => #454545
  20. rgb(71,71,71) => #474747
  21. rgb(72,72,72) => #484848
  22. rgb(74,74,74) => #4a4a4a
  23. rgb(75,75,75) => #4b4b4b
  24. rgb(77,77,77) => #4d4d4d
  25. rgb(78,78,78) => #4e4e4e
  26. rgb(78,80,84) => #4e5054
  27. rgb(80,80,80) => #505050
  28. rgb(81,81,81) => #515151
  29. rgb(83,83,83) => #535353
  30. rgb(86,86,86) => #565656
  31. rgb(87,87,87) => #575757
  32. rgb(88,88,88) => #585858
  33. rgb(89,89,89) => #595959
  34. rgb(91,91,91) => #5b5b5b
  35. rgb(92,92,92) => #5c5c5c
  36. rgb(94,94,94) => #5e5e5e
  37. rgb(97,97,97) => #616161
  38. rgb(98,98,98) => #626262
  39. rgb(100,100,100) => #646464
  40. rgb(101,101,101) => #656565
  41. rgb(103,103,103) => #676767
  42. rgb(106,106,106) => #6a6a6a
  43. rgb(107,107,107) => #6b6b6b
  44. rgb(108,108,108) => #6c6c6c
  45. rgb(109,109,109) => #6d6d6d
  46. rgb(111,111,111) => #6f6f6f
  47. rgb(114,114,114) => #727272
  48. rgb(115,115,115) => #737373
  49. rgb(117,117,117) => #757575
  50. rgb(118,118,118) => #767676
  51. rgb(119,119,119) => #777777
  52. rgb(123,123,123) => #7b7b7b
  53. rgb(124,124,124) => #7c7c7c
  54. rgb(126,126,126) => #7e7e7e
  55. rgb(128,128,128) => #808080
  56. rgb(129,129,129) => #818181
  57. rgb(131,131,131) => #838383
  58. rgb(134,134,134) => #868686
  59. rgb(137,137,137) => #898989
  60. rgb(139,139,139) => #8b8b8b
  61. rgb(140,140,140) => #8c8c8c
  62. rgb(142,142,142) => #8e8e8e
  63. rgb(145,145,145) => #919191
  64. rgb(146,146,146) => #929292
  65. rgb(151,151,151) => #979797
  66. rgb(154,154,154) => #9a9a9a
  67. rgb(155,155,155) => #9b9b9b
  68. rgb(156,156,156) => #9c9c9c
  69. rgb(157,157,157) => #9d9d9d
  70. rgb(159,159,159) => #9f9f9f
  71. rgb(160,160,160) => #a0a0a0
  72. rgb(162,162,162) => #a2a2a2
  73. rgb(165,165,165) => #a5a5a5
  74. rgb(166,166,166) => #a6a6a6
  75. rgb(168,168,168) => #a8a8a8
  76. rgb(169,169,169) => #a9a9a9
  77. rgb(171,171,171) => #ababab
  78. rgb(174,174,174) => #aeaeae
  79. rgb(175,175,175) => #afafaf
  80. rgb(176,176,176) => #b0b0b0

Yes, I’m well aware that there is 80 shades of grey on this page, however, 50 in hex equals 80 in decimal. So there you go, 50 Shades of Grey: The Geek Edition.