Guardians of the Galaxy Will Delight You Beyond Words


Before going further and without spoiling anything, if there’s one movie you should see this summer, it’s Guardians of the Galaxy. And when I say this is the best sci-fi flick I’ve seen in the past two decades, I’m not even joking. The visuals are absolutely gorgeous and the action will keep you sitting on the edge of your seat till the very end.

I won’t bore you with the synopsis or the performance of the actors, the only thing you need to know is that GOTG is genuinely smart, hilarious and action packed. Oh, and the soundtrack featuring mostly songs from the 70s and 80s also happen to be AWESOME.

It’s my new favorite film and I suspect that if you’re reading this site, it’ll be yours as well. I’m not telling you guys anything else, go see it.

Also, be sure to keep on watching until the very end for a very special guest appearance! :)

[Guardians of the Galaxy]

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