NERD FUNDING ALERT: ‘Once Upon A…Anonymous: The Rock Opera’ [Video]

Once Upon A…Anonymous first started because of actress/writer Erin Stegeman, who bares a resembles to Once Upon a Time‘s Jennifer Morrison. What began as a one-off parody sketch turned into a web series that took place in between OUAT seasons 2 and 3.

(Erin Stegeman as Emma in "Once Upon a... Anonymous.")

(Erin Stegeman as Emma in “Once Upon A… Anonymous.”)

Now, Stegeman wants to up the ante and instead of doing one episode at a time, she wants to turn her OUAA project into a full-blown rock musical. As of this writing, Stegeman and her team have received $4,800 of the $7,000 they are asking for on Indiegogo and three days are left!

(Katie Cofield as Snow White in "Once Upon A...Anonymous.")

(Katie Cofield as Snow White in “Once Upon A…Anonymous.”)

Watch the video below and click on the link for more information!

[via indiegogo]

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