Help “GLaDOS” Make a Movie! [Video]

Ellen McLain is a total badass! Not only is she the voice of GLaDOS in the “Portal” video game series, but she is also an opera singer and will appear in this summer’s Pacific Rim.

And now, in the Kickstarter video below — in which she’s baking a cake! No lie! — she’s asking for monetary help for an upcoming independent film that starts shooting this summer. The movie, Winning Dad, is about a homophobic father who gets lured on a camping trip with his gay son, Colby. The twist, though, is that Colby has also invited along his boyfriend Rusty, a man who Colby’s father believes is his son’s heterosexual business partner.

McLain plays Colby’s mother, and if someone pledges at the highest level — $7,500 — McLain will throw that person a party and bake them a cake, personally! The video will also be posted on YouTube and Vimeo and you’ll get to party with the rest of the cast and crew! Pledging ends on Father’s Day, appropriately enough!

ellen mclain - winning dad

[Winning Dad – Kickstarter Page (Donate!) / via The Mary Sue]