Heart-Shaped LEGO Valentine Spaceship! Pew Pew! [Pic]

Cartoonist Mark Anderson just sent me a few pics of this cool heart-shaped LEGO Valentine spaceship he just built! I’ve included a little extra info from Mark about the spaceship underneath the pics below. The dual engines swivel independently for maneuverability and easy landing, it’s armed to the teeth with four underside cannons, and its […]

NYC Biotopes Will Soon Assimilate Us [Video]

“New York Biotopes” deals with abstract plants and creatures, which change their forms because of insufficient living space and adapt themselves to the surroundings of the metropolis New York City. A type of metamorphosis, where the newly developed vegetation assimilates elements of the city and makes them useful for their own purposes. These creatures and […]

D.I.Y.: Sweet Skellington Valentines

Valentine’s Day is THURSDAY and these handmade paper Jack Skellington Valentines are perfect for children of all ages!…and for those who have no artistic abilities whatsoever (ahem!). First, download the templates here. Then, simply use sticker hearts of various sizes for Jack’s missing eye and even part of his mouth, if you like! You can […]