Dirty: Apple Caught ‘Shopping Evidence Against Samsung

  You might be aware of Apple’s lawsuit against Android device maker Samsung (SEO:005930), which claims that the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is just a little too similar to Apple’s iPad 2. (If you weren’t, that’s the skinny.) This week, Webwereld.nl, the Dutch counterpart to Computerworld, was poking around in Apple’s case files and noticed something… wonky. An “exhibit” supplied by […]

Flying Communications Before The Invention of Headphones

We take headphones for granted, but back in the days of the World War I flying aces (Red Baron, anyone?) there were no such thing. So how did flying student and instructor communicate over the noise of the airplane’s motor? With this contraption invented at the British flying school at Gosport, England: … device whereby […]

Cast Your Vote in the Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest

The sixth annual Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest is on! The event is sponsored by the Union of Concerned Scientists, whch seeks to “raise awareness about the consequences of political interference in science in an accessible way—and this issue is certainly fertile ground for satire.” Entries to the contest (shown below) are available as a […]