Sci-Fi Geeks, Rejoice! Hugo Winners Announced

If you’re one of those bookish geeks, and if your bookishness tastes a bit science-fictional, then you’re probably familiar with the Hugo Awards. If not, here’s the deal: since 1955, the World Science Fiction Convention (“Worldcon”) members have been voting on and awarding the Hugo, sci-fi’s most prestigious award. It’s like the Academy Awards but for […]

Pokémobs: I Choose You! [Videos]

Minecraft modders Seagoingmanatee and Pwootage are breaching the geek event horizon with their collaborative Pokémobs project: Pokémon and Minecraft at the same time. The pair plan to create all 151 original monsters with a little geek camaraderie (any volunteers?), and round out the mod with Poke-specific gameplay. Your first task? Craft a Pokédex, of course. If you want in on […]

Misremembering: How Our Brains Lie to Us [Videos]

Our friends at the World Science Festival, who gave us those awesome geek jobs we talked about earlier this month, sent in their newest video from The Unbearable Lightness of Memory, an ongoing series which shines light on memory from a molecular, psychological, and emotional perspective. This particular video, “The Fiction in Our Identity”, discusses misattribution […]