Ghost Busters, Gremlins, and Goonies Oh My!

Gremlins, Ghostbusters and Goonies - 1988 Gallery 3 G show

The 80’s were a fertile time for film making, but there are few cult classics from that era that have such a resonating impact as The Ghostbusters, Gremlins and The Goonies. That’s why 1988 Gallery in Los Angeles is having the 3G Show which is going to feature pieces inspired by these iconic cult classic films from 40 different artists!

By German Orozco

The show opens tonight with a reception, until the end of its run on September 22nd. The iconic Ecto-1 will be rolling up for the reception with one of the Ghostbusters, and there’s also rumors Joe Dante, director of “Gremlins” will make an appearance, as well as a Goonie, who like the Ghostbuster, has not yet been named…

The Goonie Underground - Andy Ristaino

The Goonie Underground - Andy Ristaino

If you’re not in Los Angeles, you can still enjoy some of the awesome art pieces at the 1988 blog, which will have prints available after the initial reception for the show. Here are some more of the 3G inspirations, Enjoy!

Sweet Thoughts By Alberto Cerriteno

Sweet Thoughts By Alberto Cerriteno

"It's right here, Ray. It's looking right at me" - by Eric Braddock

"It's right here, Ray. It's looking right at me" - by Eric Braddock

'You Say Yes" by Jude Buffum

'You Say Yes" by Jude Buffum

By Jorsh Pena

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