Vista SP2 Now Available for Download!

Yep folks, Vista / Windows 2008 SP2 is finally available for download! But before installing it, here are a few things you should know about the update:


If you have any beta versions of SP2 installed, they must be un-installed prior to installing

  • Use the Control Panel applet “Programs and Features” and select “View installed updates” from the top left of the task pane, under Windows, look for KB94846

You must have a genuine copy of Windows Server 2008 with SP1 or Windows Vista with SP1 installed on the computer prior to installing SP2

  • Windows Server 2008 released with the Service Pack 1 code included
  • SP2 is the first post-release Service Pack for Windows Server 2008


If “vLite” was used to customize your Windows Vista installation, you may have removed required system components which prevent Service Pack 2 from installing. See KB 968279 for additional details before installing Service Pack 2.

Beta versions of Windows Server 2008 SP2/Windows Vista SP2 are time-limited software that will operate until June 1st, 2010.  If you installed any beta versions of Windows Server 2008 SP2/Windows Vista SP2 it is highly recommended that you uninstall them before June 1st, 2010 [Source]

Download: [Vista SP2/Server 2008 SP2 32 bit]

Download: [Vista SP2/Server 2008 SP2 64 bit]

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