The Michael Crichton story ideas that actually came true

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that Michael Crichton is dead.   Although some of his books were terrible (“The Terminal Man” is the worst book I have ever read), some of his other ones were fantastic, such as “Jurassic Park” and “The Andromeda Strain”.   To think we will never see a new book with “Michael Crichton” on the cover is just incomprehensible to me right now.

But what we perhaps don’t fully realize is that some of what Crichton talked about in his books has already actually happened in some shape or form.   OK, we haven’t had dinosaur parks by eccentric millionaires yet but how about cloning dead or extinct animals? We haven’t had a nasty fatal disease like the Andromeda Strain either but how about antibiotic resistant superbugs?

His stories might have been considered crazy when they were published but posterity will probably consider him right in the end.

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