Making my own Bucket List

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Watching The Bucket List movie a few weeks back really moved me to consider writing my own list.   In case you haven’t watched this very funny movie yourself, it’s about two terminally ill men (played by Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson) who decide to make a list of all the things they want to do in their life before they die (kick the bucket).  This includes driving fast cars, climbing mountains, staying in nice hotels….you get the idea.   They then set out and do it all.   Then they die happy and satisfied.

This feature in Esquire magazine, 75 Things Every Man Should Do Before He Dies, has definately sealed the deal, and I have now already started writing my list.    I think some of the ones in Esquire are pretty lame though.   Repair a household appliance?   Are you kidding me?   Then they go from that straight to flying an aeroplane!   I’ll take the plane but leave the washing machine if you don’t mind thanks.

I’m sure some of you will accuse me of being morbid talking of death, but death should not be a taboo subject.  You live and you die, end of story.   So there’s nothing wrong with planning what you want to achieve with your life.     You’ll find as you progress with your list that it’s a project you will get deeply involved in and you may end up even getting relatives and friends involved in what goes in and what goes out.

Have you made a Bucket List?   If so, what have you put on it?   If you haven’t made a list, what would be number one on your theoretical list?  My number one is flying a Cessna plane.   It’ll be tough since I am epileptic, but I’ll get up there.    Just you watch me – then I’ll put the video on Geeks Are Sexy for you all to see.