NSFW – when a URL can land us in hot water

By Mark O’Neill

We’re all guilty of it.   We’ve emailed a link of a picture or video to someone, forgetting that they are at work.   They receive the link, click on it, and immediately land in hot water with the boss because they are watching a video of a dancing vomiting pig instead of doing the accounts like they’re supposed to.  For the rest of the day, they are plotting revenge on you for ruining their chances of that pay raise the boss was promising.   All because you thought they would find a dancing vomiting pig funny.

Well, a new URL shortening service has started up called NSFW, which is similar to other such services such as TinyURL.   But where this one differs is that it is specifically designed for the risque links in mind, because when a person clicks on the shortened link, they first get a warning that the destination link is NSFW – Not Suitable For Work.   So if they continue, well, let’s just say they were warned first…..

Being someone whose email inbox is the online equivalent of a nuclear testing ground, I abhor email forwards so I would never personally use this.   But I know a few people that would use it so I passed it on.   Maybe you know some people too who might get a use out of it?