Wendy’s Meat Soda (With a Hint of Ketchup)

Wendy's Meat Soda

Jeff Wysaski of Obvious Plant is a known prankster. He recently created a fake bottle of Wendy’s Meat soda (with a hint of ketchup) and pretented to stumble upon it in a grocery store. Please note that the tweets below might take a few seconds to load.

Wysaski then tweeted a picture of the soda bottle to Wendy’s, and humorously enough, the company decided to play along! Could Wendy’s meat soda one day become reality?

[Obvious Plant on Twitter]

Funko is Releasing Some He-Man Style ‘Thundercats’ Figures!

If you grew up in the 80s, He-Man action figures were pretty much the most awesome action figures you could own. And while the Thundercats figures of the same era were not bad, they were nowhere as awesome. Today, thanks to the folks over at Funko, we are getting some Master of the Universe style Thundercats to play with collect. Only 4 figures are available for now (Lion-O, Panthro, Mumm-Ra, and Slithe) but the company is planning to release a second batch in the future (Jackalman, Cheetara, Tygra, and Monkian.)

[Funko’s Savage World Thundercats Figures]