We Finally Know Why Batman And Superman Are Fighting in ‘Dawn Of Justice’

Okay, Dawn of Justice looks pretty badass, no denying. But many were wondering, why are two DC mega heroes fighting when the next movie clearly shows us they are on the same team (I.E. Birth of Justice = Justice League). Seems the official plot synopsis clears this issue up a bit for anyone wondering: Fearing […]

Titan, Batman, And Star Wars, Oh My: The Best Week Of Trailers Ever

If you are a geek, which you probably are because you are on this site right now, you must still be catching your breath from all the awesome nerd trailers last week. In as long as I have lived my geek life, there has never been a week where as many amazing, geektastic trailers were […]

What Do We Think About ‘Batman vs. Superman’s’ Big Three Superhero Costumes?

So now that the trailer has leaked and we have seen some of what the new Batman vs. Superman has to offer, what do we think of the superhero costumes in the movie? Kotaku posted this shot not too long ago. Personally, had no problem with Supes’ outfit in Man of Steel. Batman’s suit looks […]