Google Glass Driver Beats Traffic Tickets

A woman given a traffic citation after wearing Google Glass while driving has been cleared of wrongdoing. However, it’s not necessarily a precedent that such behavior is legal. Cecilia A. was pulled over in California last October on suspicion of speeding. The officer concerned then issued a separate ticket for violating California code 27602, which […]

Google Buys Smart Alarm & Thermostat Firm Nest

Google has paid $3.2 billion to buy a company that makes high-tech smoke alarms and thermostats. The purchase of Nest suggests Google wants to have more involvement in non-traditional Internet-connected devices. Nest launched in 2011 with a Wi-Fi controlled thermostat system. Although you can program it or manually alter it in the same way as […]

ThingCharger: The AWESOME New Charger For ALL Your Things!

This. Is. BRILLIANT. I just contributed at the $58 level! Oh, if you’re interested and are looking to use your Thingcharger with gadgets that use a Lightning plug, don’t forget to add $9 to your contribution! thingCHARGER is a simple, elegant new way to charge all your things. Just plug it into any outlet and […]

XBOX ONE BUYERS BEWARE: 4chan Prank Has Users Bricking Their Consoles!

Gamer Guys and Gals, please be aware: 4chan’s /b/ forum — the same one that convinced lots of people to dunk their phones in water — has now promised new Xbox One users a way to “hack” their new gaming units so they will be backwards compatible. INSTEAD, IT BRICKS THE CONSOLE, RENDERING IT INOPERABLE. […]