Why Are Useless Decongestants Still on Shelves?

If you’ve ever reached for an over-the-counter decongestant in the past couple of decades, there’s a good chance it contained phenylephrine as its primary active ingredient. But here’s the catch: Phenylephrine doesn’t work any better than a placebo. So, why is it still available for sale? Vox’s Phil Edwards delves into this perplexing issue in […]

How a disgruntled scientist looking to prove his food wasn’t fresh discovered radioactive tracers and won a Nobel Prize 80 years ago

George De Hevesy working in his lab at Stockholm University in 1944. Keystone Features/Hulton Archive via Getty Images Artemis Spyrou, Michigan State University; Katharina Domnanich, Michigan State University, and Sean Liddick, Michigan State University Each October, the Nobel Prizes celebrate a handful of groundbreaking scientific achievements. And while many of the awarded discoveries revolutionize the […]

Chick Embryo Neurons Time-Lapse Video Wins Nikon Small World in Motion Competition

In a triumph of scientific artistry, a 48-hour time-lapse film showcasing the development of neurons in the central nervous system of a chick embryo has emerged as the grand winner in the prestigious Nikon Small World in Motion video competition. Filmed by Alexandre Dumoulin of the University of Zurich, Switzerland, this captivating footage offers a […]

Cell death is essential to your health − an immunologist explains when cells decide to die with a bang or take their quiet leave

Programmed cell death such as apoptosis is a common stage of cellular life. Nanoclustering/Science Photo Library via Getty Images Zoie Magri, Tufts University Living cells work better than dying cells, right? However, this is not always the case: your cells often sacrifice themselves to keep you healthy. The unsung hero of life is death. While […]

Discover the Science Behind Naturally Straight or Curly Hair

Ever wondered why some people have lusciously straight locks while others rock those gorgeous curls? Well, it’s time to unravel the mystery! You might think it’s all about your genes, and you’d be partly right. Genetics does play a significant role in determining your hair’s natural texture, but there’s more to the story. Join Craig […]

Flesh-eating bacteria infections are on the rise in the US − a microbiologist explains how to protect yourself

Vibrio vulnificus infections are spreading across the U.S. because of climate change. CDC/Janice Haney Carr Bill Sullivan, Indiana University Flesh-eating bacteria sounds like the premise of a bad horror movie, but it’s a growing – and potentially fatal – threat to people. In September 2023, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health […]