Google’s Go Victim Says Humanity Not Beaten


Leading Go player Lee Sedol says that despite losing four games to one to a Google algorithm, humanity isn’t necessarily outmatched by computers when it comes to reasoning and tactics in the game.

Lee believes his defeat may have been because of other human limitations, namely emotion and fatigue that affect concentration. He says it’s conceivable a human player with sufficient physical skills could overcome this disadvantage and then outplay the computer when it comes to the actual choice of moves.

We’ve previously covered the challenge of Go for artificial intelligence programs such as Google’s AlphaGo, but the short version is that the sheer range of possible moves vastly outnumbers that in chess. That range of possibilities to cover is what challenges computers, which struggle with the parallel processing needed to weigh up the options. One of the key factors in AlphaGo’s success is automatically picking a range of options most likely to succeed (based on previous games) and only considering those, rather than being determined to always find the “perfect” option.

One question now is how Lee was able to win the fourth game in the series. One possibility is of course that Lee winning one game in five was a matter of probability given the respective abilities of the players. Another possibility is that having already lost the series outright, Lee felt less pressure and could make more rational decisions.

Lee’s own belief is that he won because he played with the white stones. Normally the choice of stones isn’t considered a major factor: black has an advantage by starting first, but this is compensated for with a points handicap that is perfectly pitched to restore balance.

It seems that AlphaGo may have found it more difficult to play as black as doing so can lend itself to a more aggressive play that’s less about reacting to the opponent. Indeed, Lee even asked to play as black in the final game in the hope of beating AlphaGo in the circumstances most favorable to the computer.

Analyzing exactly what happened in the games isn’t the easiest of tasks: not only is the relative position of the players at any given time hard to quickly judge, but AlphaGo was set to favor options which increased the likelihood of winning (by any margin) rather than chasing the highest possible final score.

However, both analysis of the games and Lee’s own comments suggest that over the course of the series, the human did a better job of adjusting to his opponent’s style. While AlphaGo is all about learning from past experience, five games simply weren’t enough for it to better “figure out” Lee’s tactics.

Marvel’s Daredevil Season 2 – Final Trailer

Just when Matt thinks he is bringing order back to the city, new forces are rising in Hell’s Kitchen. Now the Man Without Fear must take on a new adversary in Frank Castle and face an old flame – Elektra Natchios.

Bigger problems emerge when Frank Castle, a man looking for vengeance, is reborn as The Punisher, a man who takes justice into his own hands in Matt’s neighborhood. Meanwhile, Matt must balance his duty to his community as a lawyer and his dangerous life as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, facing a life-altering choice that forces him to truly understand what it means to be a hero.

The second season of Daredevil will premiere on March 18th, 2016 on Netflix!

[Netflix US & Canada]

25¢ Wonders: When Characters from Pop Culture Become Kids Again


In his latest series of illustrations, artist Patrick Ballesteros imagined what various characters from pop culture would look like as kids and puts them in cheap 25¢ children rides you often find in malls. The result is both adorable and hilarious.

If you’re reading this from the front page, be sure to hit the “read more” link below for a look at the full gallery!


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DEADPOOL: Regenerate the Meowgic Monthiversary! [New Trailer]

Six-time Academy Award viewer Ryan Reynolds wants you to go and see Deadpool, the #1 movie in America until very, very recently, once again in theaters! The new trailer even guarantees that the movie will make your whole family pregnant!

Or you just just wait until it gets out in blu-ray, which should not be that long considering that the pre-order page on Amazon mentions Spring 2016.

[Deadpool on Blu-Ray]

WANT: Star Wars Death Star Shower Curtain


Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL shower curtain!

You know, the Empire really took a bath on the Death Star. And about the only thing that could make that kind of financial loss better would be if they did it with this stylish Star Wars Death Star Shower Curtain. Measuring 72″ square, it features the Death Star II under construction. We also include a dozen shower curtain hooks, because you shouldn’t have to use the Force to hold it in place while you’re showering. That’s how you get soap in your eyes.

[Star Wars Death Star Shower Curtain]