The Most Efficient Way to Destroy the Universe – False Vacuum [Science Video]

What if there is a way to destroy the universe so fundamentally that life as we know it will be impossible forever? Youtube channel “Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell” takes a look at this possibility.

In quantum field theory, vacuum refers to the ground state of space, i.e. space with as little energy in it as possible. However, the vacuum state is not empty; quantum fields are still present in it. It is possible that when we start with normal space and remove as much energy and particles as possible, we wind up in a local minimum of energy, called a “false vacuum”, rather than the global minimum of energy (“true vacuum”) which has a different configuration of quantum fields. In this case, there would be a barrier to entering the true vacuum (analogous to activation energy in chemistry), and perhaps the barrier is so high that it has never yet been overcome anywhere in the universe. [Source]

[Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell]

WANT: Harry Potter Tom Riddle Blank Diary


Dear Dark Lord… here is a replica of Tom Riddle’s diary from Harry Potter by the folks from Thinkgeek.

If you’re looking for a diary you can use to talk to the Dark Lord, or perhaps one you could stab with that basilisk fang in your underwear drawer, we have the diary for you! This replica of Tom Marvolo Riddle’s diary looks like the one from Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. The inside is blank, so you can start your own relationship with Voldemort.

-Replica of Tom Riddle’s diary, horcrux of Lord Voldemort
-Officially licensed Harry Potter collectible
-From the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
-Contains blank pages, may or may not contain the Dark Lord
-Dimensions: 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″


[Harry Potter Tom Riddle Blank Diary]

Just One Wish [Comic]


You stumble on a magical lamp in the desert. You rub it a few times, and then a genie comes out offering you to make just one of your wishes reality. You wish for a time machine, but unfortunately for you, the genie is a smart ass, and even though he makes your wish a reality, you end up with a time machine that’s pretty much useless to anyone, unless you have plenty of time on your hands

[Source: The Grohl Troll on Reddit | The Grohl Troll (Official)]

Man Build Flying Dementor For Halloween [Pics + Video]


Using a drone, some fishing line, and an old Halloween prop, 50 year-old Michael Irvine inspired himself from his daughter’s love of Harry Potter to create a flying dementor that should terrorize people when Halloween comes. Unsurprisingly, once posted to the Internet, people started going crazy for the man’s creation.


And here are two videos of the dementor in action:

I guess if he wants to fly it at night, he’ll have to include a few light sources to the prop, else people won’t see the Dementor flying on Halloween night!

[Via NA]

Jimmy Kimmel Hires Dr. Strange For a Kid’s Birthday Party [Video]


Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jimmy Kimmel decided to hire Doctor Strange to entertain a bunch of demons out of control kids at a birthday party, and things did not go exactly as planned. After initially refusing the offer, Dr. Strange decided to take the job and ended up banishing one of the children to hell. This is one of the funniest Jimmy Kimmel skit I’ve seen in a while! Check it out!

[Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live on Youtube]

PS4 vs. Nintendo Switch [Comic]


From what I’ve heard, when it comes to raw power, the Nintendo switch will be similar to the Xbox One, and a little less powerful than the PS4. However, there’s one thing for sure: both of its competitors just won’t be able to perform what is pictured in this comic by Lolnein, and this is a big advantage for the Switch.

[Source: Lolnein Comics | Like “Lolnein Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Lolnein Comics” on Twitter]

The World is Like a Superhero Franchise [Comic]


Yep, thanks to this comic, I see it now: Our world is exactly like a superhero franchise. It just goes on and on and no, with no end in sight. They’re the most accurate movies that have ever graced the big screen. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the perfect example of this! When we hit 2019, Marvel will have released over 20 movies as part of the “avengers” franchise.

[Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Like Poorly Drawn Lines on Facebook | Follow Poorly Drawn Lines on Twitter]

Behold the Ultimate Power of this Death Star Popcorn Maker!


That’s no moon, it’s a hot air popcorn maker (featuring a removable bowl) from a galaxy far, far away!

In the Star Wars movies, the Death Star has enough power to destroy an entire planet. We promise our version wont event destroy your taste buds! The Death Star popcorn maker is a perfect choice for any Star Wars fan. You’ll feel the power every time you use this fun, themed air popper to enjoy fresh popcorn while you watch your favorite Star Wars film.


[Star Wars Rogue One Death Star Popcorn Maker – Hot Air Style with Removable Bowl]

10 Hidden Messages In Popular Movies And TV Shows


Did you know that Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly was heavily influenced by Han Solo and that a Han Solo in Carbonite figure is hidden in many scenes of the series? I’ve included a few pictures of these scenes, one above, and three below. This is just one of ten messages hidden in popular movies and TV shows listed in this video from Screen rant.

Do you ever wonder if there’s more going on in a movie than meets the eye? Filmmakers can spend several years working on just one movie, so it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that some of them pack their movies to the gills with hidden meanings. And TV writers do the same thing, with attentive viewers capturing details that can pay off in later episodes. Here are Screen Rant’s 10 Hidden Meanings Of Famous Movie And TV Scenes. And just to warn you, there will be spoilers.




[Screen Rant]

Fast & Ferocious – 10 More Fast & Furious Sequels are Coming [Video]

There’s already plenty of “Fast and Ferocious” movie out there, and 10 more sequels are coming, including: Fast & Ferocious: Self-Driving Cars, The Fast Fellowship, Fast & Ferocious Z, and more!

The Fast & Ferocious movies have been a big success, and the studio is planning more sequels. Do they have to be faster? Is faster better, or should they focus on the story?

[Source: PistolShrimps on Youtube]