
Search With Your Eyes! Well…Your Smartphone Eyes.

Search With Your Eyes! Well…Your Smartphone Eyes.

Tom seems to be getting the idea – who needs to fall asleep in boring lectures when you can add…

12 years ago

Twitter’s HORRIBLE (And Awesome!) Job Recruiting Video

Hey geeks, did you know that Twitter currently has lots of open positions waiting to be filled by people just…

12 years ago

Amazon seller accused of five star fix

While most of us object to politicians or law enforcement officials taking bribes, it turns out that the public is…

12 years ago

Which Type of Facebooker are You?

So geeks, which type of Facebooker are you? [Via Weknowmemes]

12 years ago

A Decade-Worth of Footage Uploaded to Youtube Every Day [Video]

Every second, one hour of video is uploaded to YouTube. That's 24 hours every 24 seconds... or a decade every…

12 years ago

The Importance of Defending our Freedom to Share

What does a bill like PIPA/SOPA mean to our shareable world? At the TED offices, Clay Shirky delivers a proper…

12 years ago