
Google and Twitter Become Friends Again

Google and Twitter Become Friends Again

There was a time when you could Google search something and related, topical tweets would come up in your search.…

9 years ago

The Mountain from ‘Game of Thrones’ Breaks Thousand Year-Old Viking Record

How can anyone forget The Mountain from last season's Game of Thrones. We'll post no spoilers, so no worries, but…

9 years ago

Rare Fox Spotted In Yosemite For First Time in One Hundred Years

A very rare breed of fox that hasn't been seen in the wilds around Yosemite park for a century recently…

9 years ago

Man Deals With Breakup By Artistically Taking His Ex Out of His Life Using Photoshop

Breakups suck. That is something most people can universally agree upon. In our current world of social media it is…

9 years ago

‘Broadband’ Must Now Be At Least 25Mbps

The Federal Communications Commission has changed the "official" definition of broadband to 25Mbps downloads and 3Mbps uploads. But the new…

9 years ago

Adorable Game of Hide-and-Seek with a Winter White Ermine

A man in Michigan was walking the woods recently when he had what could very well be called an adorable…

9 years ago

Help Keep Children Safe: Be “Share Aware” [PSA]

From the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC): Be Share Aware. We tell our children it’s…

9 years ago

Netflix Denies VPN Crackdown

Netflix says it has not made any changes to the way it deals with users who try to access content…

9 years ago

Pixel Dancers Mesmerize Merging Technology With Dance

Rather than sit here and tell you the Pixel dancers (Pixel being the name of the troupe) will astound you…

9 years ago

Pirate Party Politician Leads Official European Copyright Review

A Pirate Party politician is writing an official review of copyright law for the European Parliament. However, reports that Julia…

9 years ago