
Pretty Seaslug!

Pretty Seaslug!

I'm struggling to figure out what fictional creature this very real seaslug looks like. Some sort of Pokemon perhaps? A…

12 years ago

People Who Think Like Scientists [Pic]

It's always nice to be reminded of these things. [Via I f* love science]

12 years ago

Fake Science 101: A Complete(ly inaccurate) Guide to the Universe

It can be hard to understand all of that messy stuff they call 'science'. Why not let Fake Science help…

12 years ago

The Science of Over-Eating [Video]

ASAP bring us another wonderful scientific insight. So the more fat & sugar you eat, the hungrier you get!…

12 years ago

What Color is a Mirror?

A mirror reflects the color of the surface that faces it, but do you know what color a mirror truly…

12 years ago

How Big is Infinity?

Using the fundamentals of set theory, explore the mind-bending concept of the "infinity of infinities" -- and how it led…

12 years ago

Amazing Experiments with Water in Zero Gravity

Experimenting with the physics of water in the weightless environment aboard the International Space Station. [Via Buzzfeed]

12 years ago

The Scientific Power of Music [Video]

Is music humanity's drug of choice? What is the mysterious power behind it's ability to captivate, stimulate and keep us…

12 years ago

NASA’s Curiosity’s Descent on Mars + First Color Picture Taken by the Rover [Video + Picture]

This stop-motion video shows the 297 pictures that were taken by the Mars Descent Imager as it "dropped" NASA's Curiosity…

12 years ago

Liquid Nitrogen and the Leidenfrost Effect in Ultra Slow Motion [Video]

This video shows drops of liquid nitrogen being dropped in a hot frying pan at around 3000 frames per second.…

12 years ago