
Get Your Very Own Bioluminescent Pet Dino!

Get Your Very Own Bioluminescent Pet Dino!

Part art, part pet, and part science project, DinoPet is completely awesome! Get yours at Vat19. Shaped like an apatosaurus,…

9 years ago

The Reason Why You Might HATE Cilantro [Science Video]

Cilantro tastes like soap to some people, but they may not just be picky. It could be genetic. [SciShow]

9 years ago

The Science of BACON is the Best Kind of Science! [Video]

BACON!! Why is it so delicious? Because it's BACON, right?'s a little science! [AsapSCIENCE]

9 years ago

Creating a Tortilla Sandwich in Space is Complicated Business [Video]

Watch as Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti shows us how she makes a mackerel, quinoa, and leek cream tortilla while aboard…

9 years ago

This Trailer for the “New Horizons” Mission Will Put You in a State of Awe [Video]

Ready to explore Pluto? NASA’s New Horizons - the fastest spacecraft ever created - will speed past Pluto on July…

9 years ago

Could You Transfer Your Consciousness To Another Body? [Science Video]

Is immortality possible? Watch as ASAP Science breaks down the science that could make it a reality to move your…

9 years ago

How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work? [Science Video]

A quick look at how greenhouse gases actually work. Even if you know a little about the science of these…

9 years ago

Are We Really 99% Chimp, DNA-Wise? [Science Video]

I'm sure you've heard it before, humans share about 99% of their DNA with chimpanzees. But is this really true?…

9 years ago

Why Do You Always Forget People’s Names + 7 Brain Hacks to Remember Them! [Science Video]

Who else forgets someone's name only SECONDS after you've heard it? Here's the science behind why. And here are 7…

9 years ago

Hackerman From ‘Kung Fury’ Releases Tutorial On How To Hack Time

If you saw the wonderful, brilliant, hilarious movie we posted last week, Kung Fury, then you certainly remember the character…

9 years ago