
Why Olive Oil is Awesome [Science Video]

Why Olive Oil is Awesome [Science Video] Whether you sop it up with bread or use it to boost your cooking, olive oil is awesome. But…

7 years ago

Is Space an Abscence of Things or is It a Thing Itself? [Science Video] Since the days of Ancient Greece, philosophers and scientists have been wondering: What is space? Is the absence of…

7 years ago

QUESTION: Can You Remember This? [Science Video]

Warning: This video can implant a false memory. [ASAPSCIENCE]

7 years ago

How to See the Invisible [Science Video] Check out this fun and enlightening video by Derek Muller from Veritasium showing a setup that will allow you…

7 years ago

What If The Whole World Went Vegetarian? [Science Video]

If everyone in the world became vegetarian today, what would the impact be? ASAP Science breaks down the fascinating outcomes…

7 years ago

The Science of Hypnosis [Video] You might think that hypnosis is just a fun gimmick for stage shows and plot twists, but it turns…

7 years ago

How Do Accents Work? [Video]

Have you ever wondered how accents work? Tune in to this episode of BrainStuff to find out about the ever-evolving…

7 years ago

Starting a Fire With a Water-Filled Sandwich Bag [Video] The intensity of sunlight on Earth is about 1300 Watts per square meter. When you focus the sun's rays…

7 years ago

What Are The Chances Our Universe Is A Hologram? [Science Video] There's a theory floating around the science community that we live in a hologram. The crazy part? There's a…

7 years ago

What Time Zones are the Poles In? Here's a totally useless fact... unless you decide to travel to one of the poles, of course. Given that…

7 years ago