
How Much Do You REALLY Know About Autism?

How Much Do You REALLY Know About Autism? Autism is often very misunderstood. What is it, and what causes it? Learn more about the disorder in this…

7 years ago

Why do we Have Earwax? No Judging: At one point you've probably put a finger in your ear and dug out some rather unsightly…

7 years ago

First ‘Moon’ Spotted Outside Our Solar System

Astronomers may have detected a moon from outside of our solar system for the first time. Either way, they’ve definitely…

7 years ago

Does Everybody Have A Gay Gene? [Science Video]

Is being gay genetic, and if so, do we all have a gay gene? Now before some of you freak…

7 years ago

Optimistic Nihilism and the Need to be Happy [Video] The folks from "In a Nutshell" often release videos that make people feel something that approaches existential dread when…

7 years ago

Lime (Not Lyme) Disease: How a Fruity Drink Can Give You a Rash Furanocoumarins, the evolutionary weapons of certain plants (including limes), can ruin your vacation, or cause caterpillars to curl leaves.…

7 years ago

How Small Are We in the Scale of the Universe? In 1995, scientists pointed the Hubble Telescope at an area of the sky near the Big Dipper. The location…

7 years ago

How Does Caffeine Keep Us Awake (Video)

Grab a cup of hot java and relax with this explanatory video... then find out why you can't relax.…

7 years ago

Why Do Cat Eyes Glow in the Dark? Those eerie shining orbs staring at you from the bushes when you take the trash out at night could…

7 years ago

How To Live To 100 [Science Video] How can you increase your aging odds? This video from AsapScience takes a look at how you can do…

7 years ago