How Changing my Posture Transformed my Life

15 years ago

First, I'd like ot start by saying that in recent years, my general fitness has decreased, partially due to this… user data stolen — again

15 years ago

You'd think that a Monster once bitten would be twice shy.  But even though user information has been stolen from…

Inventing the next amazing thing

15 years ago

In the following video presentation, inventor Woody Norris shows off two of his inventions that treat sound in new ways,…

Hilarious New Heineken Commercial

15 years ago

This new Heineken commercial only shows one thing: Men and womens priorities in life aren't just the same. Posting this…

Monty Python YouTube channel results in 23,000% jump in sales?

15 years ago

By Johnny Daniels Contributing Writer, [GAS] It's being claimed that the Monty Python YouTube channel, which shows various clips from…

New Fanboys Movie Clip – Burn It!

15 years ago

Stand back everyone, or Yoda gets it!

Obama action figure fights evildoers in Washington DC

15 years ago

By Johnny Daniels Contributing Writer, [GAS] After a hard day's work in the Oval Office signing executive orders, does newly-inaugurated…

Eyebrow Dance

15 years ago

I don't have much time to write anything today, so here's a quick video to entertain you on this Saturday…


15 years ago

By Miss Cellania Contributing Writer, [GAS] iPhone cameras apparently scan left to right, which makes no difference for most pictures,…

Neil deGrasse Tyson Lectures us on Saturn V

15 years ago

There's just something awesome about seeing the child-like glee in an adult that speaks about a subject that truly fascinates…