fallout 4

Fallout 4: Letting Dogmeat Go and Following Him Home

Fallout 4: Letting Dogmeat Go and Following Him Home

So one keen Fallout 4 player was wondering what would happen if you let Dogmeat go and then just quietly…

8 years ago

Presenting Bethesda’s Christmas Card

If you get one of these this year, you must feel pretty lucky. Safe to say Todd Howard is gonna…

8 years ago

Toughest Choice in Fallout 4: So How DO You Respond?

So really, WHAT DO YOU DO? Okay, so it's not really a choice you can make in Fallout 4, but…

8 years ago

Fallout Coffee: Made To Order [Comic]

"I'll just sit here and drink this quietly while I melt. Thank you. I love coffee!" Editor's note: The scene…

8 years ago

100 Ways To Die In Fallout 4

Because the commonwealth is just not a safe place. Just trust me, I live there in real life. It's not…

8 years ago

Yes Please: New ‘Fallout 4’ Mod Turns Moon Into Nic Cage’s Head

I have nothing to say about this, but had the inexplicable urge to share this pic with every single human…

8 years ago

Fallout 4: REAL LIFE vs In-Game Landmarks

Being a Boston boy, this video really opened my eyes to just how much work and how accurate Bethesda were…

8 years ago

Fallout 4 Logic

When power armor is not enough to impress someone, you may as well just shoot them there on the spot…

8 years ago

Tiger’s Blood Perk: Charlie Sheen Spotted in ‘Fallout 4’

I suppose you walk around the Commonwealth wasteland enough, you will eventually run into everyone ever, as proven by this…

8 years ago

Top 5 Todd Howard (Fallout + Elder Scrolls) Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

For those who don't know, Todd Howard is the creative force behind Bethesda. You know, the guy who helped make…

8 years ago