
Skywatch: Ambitious Sci-Fi Short

Skywatch: Ambitious Sci-Fi Short

https://youtu.be/Mv30ExfoKcc Two young guys hack into a drone delivery service by changing recipient's orders. What could possibly go wrong? Um,…

4 years ago

Perpetual Motion: Stillness vs. Flow [Video]

https://vimeo.com/353981735 Filmmaker Nick Cobby and musician Max Cooper made a music video about how people are constantly moving in pursuit…

5 years ago

Equipping A Drone With Roman Candles And Then Letting It Attack

You know those days when you are sitting around with your friends and you can't think of anything productive to…

9 years ago

Fireworks Attached To Drone Provide Amazing Spectacle

Calder Wilson is an artist who does very particular things your eyes have never seen before. By attaching fireworks to…

9 years ago