
Mozilla rejects takedown-redirect takedown request

Mozilla has refused to axe a Firefox add-on that the government says helps users bypass domain name seizures. MafiaaFire Redirector…

13 years ago

Britain Gets a Real Life Farmville

The operators of a British farm are to allow internet users to take over its management. Wimpole Home Farm is…

13 years ago

Chrome Password Fail: A Good Reason NOT to Save Your Password Locally

If you're using Chrome as your browser of choice, anyone with access to your computer could easily take a peek…

13 years ago

Internet French Kissing Device

No, I'm not kidding. A Japanese student from The University of Electro-Communications located in Chofu City, Tokyo, has invented an…

13 years ago

Seized File Sharing Websites Now Displaying Anti-Piracy PSA

Know all these file sharing websites that were closed down by the U.S. authorities in recent months? Well visitors to…

13 years ago

Multitasker par Excellence: DDR and Violin [Video]

Who says you can't do two things at once? YouTuber lara6683 plays violin and Dance Dance Revolution... simultaneously. Lara reports…

13 years ago

Ms. Marvel’s Day Off

Yep, the headline says it all. Here's Ms. Marvel on her day off, mowing her lawn, walking her dog, and…

13 years ago

Real Birds Tweeting on Twitter [video]

You knew it was going to happen: angry that their language has been held hostage by humans obsessed with communicating…

13 years ago

Net neutrality debate rolls on in Europe

The European Union is considering rules in response allegations that ISPs are deliberately blocking certain services. But any action will effectively…

13 years ago