
Why Electroshock Therapy Is Back [Science Video]

Why Electroshock Therapy Is Back [Science Video] Shocking the brain has come and gone as a medical treatment, but it’s currently resurging, as it often provides…

6 years ago

6 Bacteria with Awesome Superpowers Bacteria have evolved some pretty incredible abilities. They may never star in a big summer movie, but here are…

6 years ago

We’re Getting Closer to Real-Life Tricorders Many of us have longed for cool sci-fi inventions like a holodeck or replicators, but there's one tool we're…

6 years ago

The Surprisingly Useful Medicines Hiding Your Pee Your urine is mostly water, but hidden in there are trace amounts of some very useful stuff! [SciShow]

6 years ago

Download and Print: Math and Science Valentine’s Day Cards [Pics]

The folks at "Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories" have have been releasing science and math Valentine's day cards since 2013, and…

6 years ago

The Periodic Table Song (2018 Update!) [Video] In celebration of National Periodic Table Day, here is The Periodic Table song, now updated with the 4 newly…

6 years ago

The Difference Between Introverts and Extroverts Many people think they're either Introverts or extroverts, but can you be both? What are the differences? Find out…

6 years ago

Why Is Heart Cancer So Rare?

We usually keep things pretty mild around here, but geeks love science and what is more scientific than trying to…

6 years ago

How Many Galaxies Are There Exactly? We've been trying to count the galaxies in the universe since the mid '90s, but our estimates change as…

6 years ago

The Great Filter: Why Alien Life Would be our Doom Finding alien life on a distant planet would be amazing news - or would it? If we are not…

6 years ago