
Unwrapping Uranus and its icy secrets: What NASA would learn from a mission to a wild world

Mike Sori, Purdue University Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun, orbits in the outer solar system, about two billion…

5 months ago
True Facts: The Science of Real-Life Superpowers

True Facts: The Science of Real-Life Superpowers The science or real-life superpowers in animals and insects by the always amusing Ze Frank. Enjoy! [Ze Frank]

5 months ago

Earth’s magnetic field protects life on Earth from radiation, but it can move, and the magnetic poles can even flip

The Earth’s magnetic field deflects particles emitted by the Sun. Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library via Getty Images Ofer Cohen, UMass…

5 months ago

How do viruses get into cells? Their infection tactics determine whether they can jump species or set off a pandemic

Surface proteins on a virus enable it to attach to and get inside a cell to start replicating. koto_feja/E+ via…

5 months ago

Forensic anthropologists work to identify human skeletal remains and uncover the stories of the unknown dead

Forensic anthropologists can be called in when human remains are discovered. Ashley Cooper/The Image Bank via Getty Images Madeline Atwell,…

5 months ago

Thank gluten’s complex chemistry for your light, fluffy baked goods

Gluten is in a variety of breads and baked goods − it helps them rise and gives bread its characteristic…

5 months ago

Thanksgiving sides are delicious and can be nutritious − here’s the biochemistry of how to maximize the benefits

Side dishes made with colorful vegetables are a holiday staple for many. VeselovaElena/iStock via Getty Images Julie Pollock, University of…

6 months ago

Immune health is all about balance – an immunologist explains why both too strong and too weak an immune response can lead to illness

When immune cells become overactive, your immune system itself can cause disease. NIAID/Flickr, CC BY-SA Aimee Pugh Bernard, University of…

6 months ago

What really killed the dinosaurs? (It wasn’t just the asteroid) [Science Video] Sixty-six million years ago, near what’s now the Yucatán Peninsula, a juvenile sauropod feasted on horsetail plants on a…

6 months ago

Is Vaping Worse Than Smoking? [Science Video] Vaping has become the go-to nicotine delivery method for many young people. But is it really a safer alternative…

6 months ago