
How the Movement of Other Planets Affects Earth — Yes, Really [Video]

How the Movement of Other Planets Affects Earth — Yes, Really [Video] Scientists have found at least three cycles in nature that can be traced back to the alignment of the…

4 years ago

Does Hand Sanitizer Create Superbugs? [Science Video] Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are an effective way to kill a myriad of potentially harmful microbes. But is there a…

4 years ago

Which is Better Against Viruses: Soap or Hand Sanitizer? [Science Video]

The answer: it depends on the virus. Watch below. Dig into the science of how soap breaks down a…

4 years ago

Coronavirus: Why Don’t We Have an Effective Antiviral Drug Yet? Sure, antiviral drugs could help us fight Covid-19, but there are no proven highly potent and effective drugs that…

4 years ago

The Secret History of the Moon: A Melodysheep Documentary [Video] The Moon has drawn out our sense of wonder since before we were fully human. Where did it come…

4 years ago

Biggest Covid-19 Mistakes to Avoid as We Try to Flatten the Curve As we look forward during the Covid-19 outbreak, some governors are already talking about opening some businesses back up.…

4 years ago

Does Getting COVID-19 Make You Immune to It? Like a common cold or a cold sore, would it be possible to get a reinfection of COVID-19? Would…

4 years ago

How Flocking Birds Make Amazing Murmurations (Boids Algorithm) [Video] A fascinating video showing the reason why huge flocks of birds often behave the way they do. [Smarter Every…

4 years ago

How We Domesticated Cats (Twice) [Video] A 9,500 year old burial in Cyprus represents some of the oldest known evidence of human/cat companionships anywhere in…

4 years ago

How Covid-19 Immunity Compares to Other Diseases [Video] If you get Covid-19 and recover does that mean you are immune to the virus? If you become immune,…

4 years ago