
Intelligent Man = Better Sperm

Natural selection favors the intelligent. The evidence is right here in our civilization. We are smarter than our distant ancestors,…

15 years ago

The Design of the Universe

In the following video, astrophysicist, cosmologist and Nobel Prize winner George Smoot shows stunning new images from deep-space surveys, and…

15 years ago
Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World

Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World

In this highly interesting video presentation, Mycologist Paul Stamets shows us 6 ways how mushrooms could possibly help save our…

15 years ago

An Animated Aurora Borealis, As Seen From Orbit

In the following video, you'll see an animated photo montage by NASA Astronaut Don Pettit, who while in orbit, took…

15 years ago

ISS Astronauts to Drink Recycled Pee

After five days of work, astronauts aboard the Endeavour shuttle have succeeded in the ultimate feat of recycling—turning urine into…

15 years ago

The Zero-G Coffee Cup

Who knew drinking coffee in space, without having to sip it from a bag, could be so complicated?

15 years ago

A Brief History of The L.E.D.

Did you know that like many other interesting scientific discoveries, the first LED was discovered by accident? The following documentary…

15 years ago

The story of the Mars Rovers

In the following 28-minute video presentation, Charles Elachi shares stories from NASA's legendary Jet Propulsion Lab -- including tales and…

15 years ago

Scientists Create Billions of Particles of Anti-Matter in Lab

By Stephanie Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Opening the door to a new understanding of the physics underlying astrophysical phenomena like…

15 years ago

The powerful link between creativity and play

In the following presentation, designer Tim Brown talks about the powerful relationship between creative thinking and play -- with many…

15 years ago